Section 79 Former health care providers, social landlords, social care providers and palliative care providers: modifications
Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Act 2019 (2019 anaw 3) | Legislation79 Former health care providers, social landlords, social care providers and palliative care providers: modifications
(1) The Welsh Ministers may by regulations provide for this Act to apply with the modifications specified in the regulations to persons who are—
(a) former family health service providers in Wales;
(b) former independent providers in Wales;
(c) former social landlords in Wales;
(d) former care home providers in Wales;
(e) former domiciliary care providers in Wales;
(f) former independent palliative care providers in Wales.
(2) “Former family health service provider in Wales” means a person who—
(a) at the relevant time, provided family health services of a particular description, and
(b) subsequently ceased to provide services of that description (whether or not the person has later started
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