78 Interpretation
(1) In this Act—
“act” (“gweithredu”) and “action” (“camau gweithredu”) include a failure to act (and related expressions must be construed accordingly);
“annual report” (“adroddiad blynyddol”) has the meaning given in paragraph 15 of Schedule 1;
“the Assembly” (“y Cynulliad”) means the National Assembly for Wales;
“care home” (“cartref gofal”) has the meaning given by section 62(2);
“care home provider” (“darparwr gofal cartref”)has the meaning given by section 62(3);
“co-opted member” (“aelod cyfetholedig”), in relation to an authority, means a person who is not a member of the authority but who—
(a) is a member of a committee or sub-committee of the authority, or
(b) is a member of, and represents the authority on, a joint committee on which the authority is represented or a sub-committee of such a committee,and who is entitled to vote on any question which falls to be decided at a meeting of the committee or sub-committee;
“domiciliary care” (“gofal cartref”) has the meaning given by section 63(2);
“domiciliary care provider” (“darparwr gofal cartref”) has the meaning given by section 63(3);
“enactment” (“deddfiad”)
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