An Act of the National Assembly for Wales to establish the Welsh Revenue Authority; to make provision about the collection and management of devolved taxes; and for connected purposes.
1 Overview of Act
2 The Welsh Revenue Authority
3 Membership
4 Disqualification for appointment as non-executive member
5 Terms of non-executive membership
6 Appointment of elected executive member
7 Removal of members etc
8 Committees and sub-committees
9 Chief executive and other staff
10 Procedure
11 Validity of proceedings and acts
12 Main functions
13 Internal authorisation to carry out functions
14 Delegation of functions
15 General directions
16 Use of information by WRA and delegates
17 Confidentiality of protected taxpayer information
18 Permitted disclosures
19 Declaration of confidentiality
20 Offence of wrongful disclosure of protected taxpayer information
21 Court proceedings
22 Evidence
23 Funding
24 Rewards
25 Payments of receipts into Welsh Consolidated Fund
26 Charter of standards and values
27 Corporate plan
28 Annual report
29 Accounts
30 Tax Statement
31 Audit
32 Examination into use of resources
33 Accounting officer
34 Welsh public records
35 Public Services Ombudsman
36 Auditor
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