Part 2 Council Tax
16 Overview of Part 2
(1) This Part amends the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (c 14) (“the 1992 Act”), in relation to Wales, as follows.
(2) Section 17 restates existing powers of the Welsh Ministers to amend valuation bands of dwellings, and also enables the Welsh Ministers to amend the valuation band used as an average in formulas applied under sections 36 and 47 of the 1992 Act used to calculate the amount of council tax that is payable.
(3) Section 18(2) and (3) disapplies provisions in sections 6 and 9 of the 1992 Act about the persons who are exempt from being jointly and severally liable to pay council tax in respect of a chargeable dwelling, and replaces them with a power for the Welsh Ministers to prescribe by regulations which persons are to be exempt.
(4) Section 18(4) and (5) disapplies provisions in section 11 of the 1992 Act for discounts (of percentages specified in section 11 or by order) to be applicable where there is only one resident
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