8 Appointed representatives


CaseMeaning of express consent
1. The adult is alive.The adult's consent.
2. The adult has died and a decision of the adult to consent, or not to consent, to the activity was in force immediately before death.The adult's consent.
3. The adult has died, case 2 does not apply, the adult had appointed a person or persons to deal with the issue of consent in relation to the activity and someone is able to give consent under the appointment.Consent given by the person or persons appointed.
4. The adult has died, case 2 does not apply and the adult had appointed a person or persons to deal with the issue of consent in relation to the activity, but no one is able to give consent under the appointment.Consent of a person who stood in a qualifying relationship to the adult immediately before death.
5. The adult has died and none of cases 2, 3 or 4 applies in relation to the adult.Consent of a person who stood in a qualifying relationship to the adult immediately before death.

(6)     For a child, for each

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