From the Scottish Parliament Acts: Acts made by the Scottish Parliament, established on 1 July 1999 and referred to as Acts of the Scottish Parliament (ASPs).
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Brexit UK tax consequences Archived ARCHIVED This archived Practice Note provides information on areas of UK tax law were affected by the UK s ex
Flexible retirement FORTHCOMING DEVELOPMENT Section 10 of the Finance Act 2022 will increase the normal minimum pension age NMPA from 55 to 57 on
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Normal minimum pension age and protected pension age FORTHCOMING DEVELOPMENT Section 10 of the Finance Act 2022 will increase the normal minimum pe
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Pension freedoms an introduction STOP PRESS On 28 March 2024 the Pensions Regulator TPR s new General Code of Practice came into force through
Restricting public sector exit payments pensions implications FORTHCOMING DEVELOPMENT 1 Section 10 of the Finance Act 2022 will increase the normal
Serious ill health lump sum payments If a member is expected to live for less than one year defined as serious ill health then provided certain
Sukuk investment bond arrangements and their UK direct tax treatment Shari a compliant financing arrangements also known as Islamic financing arrang
Taxation of trusts and estates trading income It is possible for trustees or personal representatives to be trading For example if a self employed
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How might non cash income and benefits be taxed The charge to tax on employment income specifically includes not only cash payments but also any gr
IFRS 17 Technical consultation on draft legislation HMRC has launched a technical consultation seeking views on draft regulations that will spread t
SI 2022 1164 The Finance Act 2022 Part 2 of Schedule 5 Insurance Contracts Change in Accounting Standards Commencement and Savings Provision Re
Tax news roundup 14 November 2022 In the ever fast moving world of tax announcements and developments this news pulls together some of the key chan
Tax news roundup 23 May 2022 In the ever fast moving world of tax announcements and developments this news pulls together some of the key changes a
Tax news roundup 6 November 2023 In the ever fast moving world of tax announcements and developments this news pulls together some of the key chang
Tax news roundup 8 November 2021 In the ever fast moving world of tax announcements and developments this news pulls together some of the key chang
Tolley tax case tracker This tax tracker tool displays the current status and most recent developments of direct tax cases being heard by the Upper T
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