[SCHEDULE 5B Form of Notice Prospectively Converting Real Burden into Economic Development Burden]

[SCHEDULE 5B Form of Notice Prospectively Converting Real Burden into Economic Development Burden]

[(introduced by section 18B(1))]

[“Notice Prospectively Converting Real Burden into Economic Development Burden


(see note for completion 1)

Description of land which is to be servient tenement:

(see note for completion 2)

Terms of real burden:

(see note for completion 3)

Statement that purpose was to promote economic development:

(with supporting evidence: see note for completion 3)

Any counter obligation:

(see note for completion 3)

Title to the superiority:

(see note for completion 4)


(see note for completion 5)

Signature on behalf of superior:

Date:          ”

Explanatory Note

(This explanation has no legal effect)

This notice is sent by your feudal superior; that is to say by [the Scottish Ministers] or [specify local authority].

By this notice the feudal superior asserts that at

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